Welcome to the website of the

Texas Independent

Ginners Association

Photo taken by Paulette Ard Hunter at

The Gin in Palcios

Jake Hudnall

TIGA Vice President


Ryan Janek

TIGA Secretary

Thomas Cleveland

TIGA Immediate Past President

Seth Mahan 

TIGA President

Objectives of the Association

We believe in the American free enterprise system which has made our nation great and pledge ourselves to encourage and defend this system in the cotton ginning industry.

    We dedicate ourselves to the proposition that a person has the right to operate a business of choice in an atmosphere of fair competition with others and we oppose government policies which bestow privileges on a particular segment in our industry.

    We will labor for an independent agriculture with a minimum of government controls.

    We will serve the best interests of independent ginners in areas of profit, customer service and legislation.

    We will promote research in the ginning industry, strive for a healthy and aggressive cotton market and keep our membership informed of the latest advancements in agriculture.

    We will offer an area where independent ginners can gather to discuss and seek solutions to their common problems in order to achieve greater understanding and unity.

    We will always reflect the needs and desires of our membership through a duly elected Board of Directors.